Indoor or outdoor incinerator?
Submitted by gillis.winderickx on Tue, 05/31/2022 - 10:58

Outdoor set up of an incinerator is financially attractive. But the location and climate gives sometimes difficult evaluation to be done. And indoor is not always the best choice, but outdoor is also not always the best one. An evaluation needs to be made.
What are the disadvantages of an indoor incinerator?
- Investment cost of the building
- Be careful with the permit issues when you have an indoor installation, and later on, some elements are installed outdoor because the size is not really fitting in the building for servicing. Example: a baghouse or wet scrubber.
- When there is a fire in the installation, the access is more difficult and the smoke can’t escape.
- Dust stays everywhere in the building; the building requires good ventilation.
- The building requires a heating system in case the installation is not in operation.
- When an equipment creates a permanent noise, it requires a separate room.
What are the advantages of an indoor incinerator?
- All equipment is protected from water and freezing conditions, the temperature is always positive. For example, for steam boilers and all kind of equipment operating with water.
- Plastic is protected from sunlight, like insulation of cables, plastic ducts, etc.
- Easy to do small service works and daily maintenance.
- Rain water is separate from the cleaning water of the installation, for example: water from cleaning the floor under the baghouse.
What are the disadvantages of an outdoor incinerator?
- Rain and snow can fall everywhere, shelters and special protection should be foreseen.
- The installation, and the atmospheric conditions are different in the seasons, for example the baghouse has in winter time -20 degr.C and in summer time +30 degr.C.
- Equipment and instruments have to be IP65 or IP66 (Dust and water proof).
- Small corrosion is quickly made by rain and the outdoor weather conditions.
- Birds have, in winter time, warm location around the installation, and make the installation dirty by staying on platforms and railing.
- Require a separate sewer system, the rain water of the installation goes to this WWTP.
- Water equipment need to be made in this way, the drain is 100% draining the water, so it cannot create freeze somewhere in case of an unplanned shutdown in wintertime.
- Some small buildings are always required, which are heated, like pumphouses.
What are the advantages of an outdoor incinerator?
- Easy access with cranes for maintenance.
- Always fresh air everywhere to work in, working outdoor is good for the mental health.
- Cleaning is done by water and rain.
- Less investment on buildings.
Depending on the type of installation, location and climate, the evaluation needs to be made. Generally, big installations are outdoor, small installations are indoor and some installations are partly indoor, partly outdoor. And in cold freezing area’s the steam boiler is advised to be indoor.