Q&A incinerators designers

Questions and answers

What are the emission limits of your waste incinerators?
Our installations respect the EU emission limits. So a continious emission measurement system is installed on the stack and half hourly and daily average values are calculated.

What are the human health impacts of your waste incinerators?
Our installations respect the EU emission limits. So research results done in Europe are a representative answer. Our installations may even operate in the middle of a city or in urban area's. 

What is the min. calorific value of waste to incinerate it without support fuel?
To burn waste without support fuel you need to have +/- 12 - 14 MJ/kg, this is a substance like dry wood.
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What are the important waste characteristics for the design of a waste incinerator?

  • Calorific value of the waste
  • Amount of chloride in the waste stream
  • Amount of halogene substances in the waste stream
  • Amount of heavy metals in the waste stream
  • Ash rest afther burning the waste

Is it possible to burn everything arbitrary?
Yes and no, waste need to be collected in a selective way and the thermical load need to be as constant as possible to the incinerator. The elektrowaste and batteries need to go out, and also everything what doesn't burn: glass, organic material, etc.
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How much ash is left from the waste incinerator and what is done with the ash from the incinerator plant?
The ash rest is from 0,5% - 10%, this depend on the waste. This ash is mixed with cement and goes then to the waste field.

Which substances contains the flue gas by burning waste?
This also depends on the waste, normal substances are dioxines, furanes, dust particulate, PCB's, CO, SO2, NOx, HCl. The flue gas treatement is designed and engineered on a particular waste composition. The operator of the incineration plant has to take care that the correct waste mix is loaded to the combustion chamber.

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