Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of an incinerator

A standard to compare different type of incinerators always apply to a specific type of waste and the price which need to be paid for consumables and for residues. Waste incinerators are mainly designed and sized on the basic charachteristics of waste :
- Calorific value of the waste (MJ/kg), mass throughput (kg/h) and size
- %Cl content in the waste (m%Cl)
- %S content in the waste (m%S)
- %N
Consumables are chemicals, like Sodium bi Carbonate, hydratated line, Caustic soda and activated carbon are the most common. But also water, diesel or gas, electricity are consumables of a waste incinerator.
Residues are directly conneted to the type of design and the strategic choose of the investor to design it. Residues mainly are :
- Bottom ash from the incinerator
- Fly as from the boiler or quench
- Fly ash from the bag house (contaminated with chemicals)
- Water purge from a wet scrubber
Residues are also price choosen.
Keeping the above conditions into account mainly for economical reasons, a good incinerator need to be designed that :
- Health and the safety of workers and people arround is guaranteed
- Unplanned downtime is minimalized
- Consumption of chemicals and production of residues is the min. possible assesment for the environment
- Min. amount of emission limit overshoot
- Productivity per shift is reaching the correct amount per shift
- Transparancy to the environmental autorithies